Category: News

Talk announcement – Andrzej Kowalczyk – Secure your Kubernetes cluster

Andrzej from RedHat, a big fan of messaging and streaming solutions, will teach us how to increase Kubernetes cluster wtih a zero trust approach.The presentation ‘Secure your Kubernetes cluster‘ will show us how to secure application deliver processs, infrastructure and workload.

Talk announcement – Patrick Fitzgerald – Mass Deployment of Linux with Carpet

Patrick has worked in support, design, deployment and management roles on an international basis for over a 30 years, and he will share some of his knowledge with us in is talk ‘Mass Deployment of Linux with Carpet‘. We will hear all about: ** Required Magic’s Carpet: How we designed a mass deployment system for…
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Workshop announcement – Albert Novak – How to assemble a robust system in the world of containers from open cubes

Albert an advocate and supporter of open systems and standards, works at CARNET, will present in his workshop how today we live in a world that is changing fast and in which fast results are expected, we live agile lives. In doing so, we are expected to build stable and scalable systems that will be…
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Talk announcement – Igor Kolar – The Black Box That Isn’t

Igor is the co-founder of the award-winning software and hardware game studio Gamechuck.From its conception, the Gamechuck Arcade was always going to be an open source product, because, really how could it not be.Igor says that they were lucky to begin their work at the apex of availability of certain important technologies and likewise open…
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Talk announcement – Branko Zečević – Open-source toolchains in enterprise retail software

Branko, a CEO at, will give us a lightening talk ‘Open-source toolchains in enterprise retail software’ in which we can hear all about how the segment of development of enterprise retail software solutions is traditionally supported by “legacy” or closed-source implementations of toolchains.With increasing demands on software support in regular retail workflows, in particular…
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Talk announcement – Jakov Petrina – How we developed a custom build platform for Enterprise

Jakov is a firmware engineer in Sartura, and he will tell us how the global network operating systems (NOS) market is at an all-time high. The demand of organizations worldwide for cost-effective, scalable, secure and easily manageable networking solutions has generated numerous Open Source and proprietary NOS solutions available to companies today.The platform was…
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Talk announcement – Ivan Voras – The thorny road to Metaverse

Ivan, doctor of computer engineering and an entrepreneur will tell us in his talk ‘The thorny road to Metaverse‘ how Metaverse is the buzzword of the day, but what it is, what it can be and how to make or participate in something like that are topics that are still between black magic and black…
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Talk announcement – Robin Edgar – Dutch Pandemic Software – Building a FOSS Ecosystem for all

Robin, working as a consultant for many organisational structers and companies, will tell us all about how when the pandemic struck, the Netherlands was as unprepared as anyone in terms of being able to handle the crisis and was forced to act quickly. In the Netherlands, healthcare is organised decentrally and so finding out what…
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Talk announcement – David Zovko – Open Source Hardware as business model

David the founder of e-Radionica will through his talk ‘Open Source Hardware as business model‘ answer to questions:What is Open Source Hardware (OSH)?How is it applied in practice?How is it implemented on commercial products and what benefits does it bring to companies? What does an OSH-based business look like?What are OSH certification programs?

Talk announcement – Goran Mahovlić and Paula Bučar – From ULX3S to modular ULX4M

He is electronics tech and she graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts. Together they will show us how embedded systems are everywhere, including in trusted environments.In Goran’s and Paula’s talk ‘From ULX3S to modular ULX4M‘, we can hear and learn all about how ULX4M is a modular version of the popular open hardware project…
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