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Keynote speakers
Hans deRaadIf open-source provides you with a stable revenue, you should do something in return.
Siniša MiličićMathematician, docent and vice-dean of the Faculty of Informatics in Pula, Croatia.
Luka MatijevićSystem engineer at Nimium and open source enthusiast.
Miodrag PrelecSystem engineer at Nimium and open source enthusiast.
Goran MahovlićSelf employed in Intergalaktik d.o.o., tech coordinator at Radiona.
Goran KopčakTechnical product manager for e-Environment product portfolio in Ericsson Nikola Tesla.
Ivica ProjićEU funds expert at Ericsson Nikola Tesla, project manager on the R&D project WaterQ.
Tomislav LugarićSenior Software Engineer at Rimac Technology
Dobrica PavlinušićGeek with love for free software
Saša DavidovićSystem & network engineer at CARNET
Bartlomiej IdzikowskiGÉANT4 WebRTC team leader
Dario PosarićIT Specialist at Apis IT
Albert NovakR&D Manager at CARNET
Fran KelavaFSB Racing Team Systems Administrator
Dario SindičićDevOps engineer at Apis IT
Paula BučarMember of the Workshop - Zagreb makerspace, ULX4M project
Igor BuzatovićPrincipal Engineer and Tech Lead of the Porsche's Streaming platform
Branko ZečevićCEO at
Mladen BošnjakGame Developer at Misfit Village
Krunoslav PeterResearch administration at the Andrija Štampar Teaching Institute of Public Health
Igor KolarCo-founder of Gamechuck
Andrzej KowalczykSenior Solutions Architect at Red Hat
Bruno BanelliDirector at Banelli d.o.o.
David ZovkoFounder at / TAVU d.o.o.
Ivan VorasFounder, Equinox Vision / Host, Surove Strasti podcast
Ivan GuštinOwner, ELIN and Computer Networking Consultant
Jakov PetrinaFirmware engineer at Sartura
Markus FeilnerEditor for technology and internet politics at Heinlein Support
Igor LjubunčićDeveloper Advocate at Canonical
Hrvoje BognerOpen geo/data/source/standard enthusiast, longtime OpenStreetMap & OpenStreetMap Croatia contributor, longtime HULK member, system administrator at Open IT d.o.o.
Josip StuhliLoves security stuff and is obsessed with optimizing everything
Vedran LeboCo-owner of Flying Penguin, president of Croatian Linux users' association
Marko ŽuvanićChannel Manager Adriatics & Bulgaria at VMware
Patrick Fitzgeraldmore than 30 years in Information Technology
Robin Edgarconsulting on organisational structures and strategy and IT projects
Georg GreveCo-Founder at Vereign
Tomislav JaguštAssistant Professor at Faculty if Electrical Engineering and Computing
Dijana Habjan & Dražen Kačar
Vlatko KosturjakLikes to break and build depending on the mood and time of day(night)
Dubravko PenezićHead of the eduroam service at Srce