Talk announcement – Markus Feilner – ‘Open Source is Rocket Science – Europe’s Final Frontier’

Talk announcement – Markus Feilner – ‘Open Source is Rocket Science – Europe’s Final Frontier’

Markus, Linux and open source expert, will teach us how IT indusry is so simmilar to Rocket science. In his talk ‘Open Source is Rocket Science – Europe’s Final Frontier‘ you can find answers to questions like:

  • How can we close up to the big five of GAFAM (Google Apple Facebook Amazon Microsoft)?
  • How can we build software, computers, even artificial intelligence that still runs smoothly and do their job 30 years into the future? How can we create long-living systems – can we?
  • Is our economic system even able to build something that big and “long-living”? Do we have enough time?

Europe needs a JFK speech moment: “We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard”. But this time for sustainable, open, long-living and reliable IT.