How to assemble a robust system in the world of containers from open cubes

How to assemble a robust system in the world of containers from open cubes

May 19, 2022 from 08:30 to 10:00

Speaker: Albert Novak

Today we live in a world that is changing fast and in which fast results are expected, we live agile lives. In doing so, we are expected to build stable and scalable systems that will be easy to maintain. It is wise not to start from the beginning and embrace as many ready-made things as possible and assemble complex wholes from them, and if we use open technologies and standards, then we are one step closer to our goal. We no longer share our code through packages, but containers, so we have to adapt our development and production to that world. If you are wondering how to start developing in that world and not discover everything from scratch then this is the workshop for you.
The workshop will show how to develop and debug backend and frontend in containers, how to assemble a functional unit from containers and how to adapt your code in containers to production and introduce you to the DevOps world. We will use Python, FastAPI, PostgreSQL, SQLAlchemy, Redis, RabbitMQ, Treafik and the inevitable javascript / typescript (some framework like if we want to have some frontend. And we will encode and debug all of this using VS Code.
This is little time for such serious topics, so most of it will be prepared for you before the workshop, and if you bring your own computers, you will be able to try something yourself.
This workshop is in Croatian.